Leadership Team

Dean Kevin Kee

Kevin Kee is Dean of the Faculty of Arts and a Professor at the University of Ottawa.

He has served in a variety of academic and leadership roles, including Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities and Associate Vice-President Research (Social Sciences and Humanities) at Brock University, Project Director and Director at the National Film Board of Canada, and Assistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate Programs (Department of Integrated Studies in Education) at McGill University.

A digital humanist and historian who has been honoured with awards and prizes for both his research and teaching, Kee helped build a new field of inquiry in computer simulations and games for history learning. He has responded to questions about how universities and their graduates can drive society forward by integrating what has been kept separate: cultural understanding, technological skills, and entrepreneurial literacy.

He recently served as Senior Advisor to the President, Digital Strategy and Learning Innovation, enabling the University of Ottawa's digital transformation in teaching, research, knowledge mobilization and lifelong learning. Working with campus colleagues and in collaboration with external partners in government, the private sector, and leading universities, he developed a consultation report, roadmap and business case, as well as financial models and market tests for new online courses and programs, launched a Learning Futures Fund and Community of Practice, and supported the Faculties’ launch of new initiatives and online offerings.

Dean Kevin Kee

Vice-Dean Governance

Vice-Dean Governance
Jérémie Séror

Jérémie Séror

[email protected]

Jérémie Séror is an experienced teacher and researcher in the field of language education. His research explores language socialization processes in plurilingual and pluricultural environments. His expertise includes the dynamics and impact of immersion programmes, the development of bi/pluriliteracy, as well as digital writing strategies and processes.

Vice-Dean Student Affairs

Vice-Dean, Student Affairs
Monika Jezak

Monika Jezak

[email protected]

Monika Jezak has over 30 years’ experience in teaching French as a second language in various settings, such as immersion classes, adult immigrant programs, and university. She has served as a language policy expert in a variety of organizations, including UNESCO, the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, and the Canadian government.

Vice-Dean Programs

Vice-Dean of Academic Programs
Joel Beddos

Joël Beddows

[email protected]

Joël Beddows is an associate professor in the Department of Theatre, special adviser on the Francophonie to the Office of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and a researcher associated with the Centre de recherche sur les francophonies canadiennes, where he led the Research Chair in Canadian Francophonie (cultural practices) from 2006 to 2016. As someone who calls the theatre home, he is also an artistic director, drama coach and theatre director who is known for his commitment to aesthetic research, theatre for younger audiences, and the renewal of Franco-Ontarian drama. He has served as artistic director of the Théâtre la Catapulte (1998 to 2010) and of the Théâtre français de Toronto (2016 to 2021), and is a founding member of Transfrontaliers (2020), a group dedicated to ensuring a better international distribution of French-language works created by racialized artists. 

Vice-Dean Research

Vice-Dean Research
Brian Ray

Brian Ray

[email protected]

Brian Ray is the vice-dean, research at the Faculty of Arts and a professor in the Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics. His research interests include discrimination in Canada, the changing linguistic landscape of Ottawa-Gatineau, and the geographic dimensions of employment among immigrants and second-generation Canadians living in large cities.

Department Directors

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Luis Abanto

Director - Modern Languages and Literature  

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Kouky Fianu

Director - History Department

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Salah Basalamah

Director - Translation and Interpretation 

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Mawy Bouchard

Director - French Department

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Éric Mathieu

Director - Linguistics Department

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Philippe Ross

Director - Communication Department

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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André Vellino

Director - School of Information Studies

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Mitia Rioux-Beaulne

Director - Department of Philosophy 

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Dominique Côté

Director - Department of Classics and Religious Studies

Work Email: [email protected]

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Jackie Dawson

Director - Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Christopher Moore

Director - Department of Music

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Michel Bock

Directeur - Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne française

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Kevin Orr

Director - Theater Department

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Anders Knudby

Director - Department of Geography, Environment, and Geomatics

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Elena Valenzuela

Director - Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Robert Stacey

Director - English Department

Work E-mail: [email protected]

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Jakub Zdebik

Director - Visual Arts Department

Work E-mail: [email protected]