The information on this page is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment from the University of Ottawa.

Travel grants for graduate students
- The grants may only be used to cover either travel expenses (train, plane, bus or other) or accommodation expenses (accommodation and meals). Other travel-related expenses will not be reimbursed.
- The maximum grant is $550.
- Applications must be received prior to the start of the data collection travel.
- Applications will be reviewed on a periodic basis. Completed applications to be submitted by May 15; September 15 and December 15.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.
- Please allow a minimum of five business days after the submission deadline for a response regarding your research travel grant application.
- Given the limited funds and the increased number of requests, there is no guarantee that you will receive funding even if your application meets all the conditions.
Eligibility Requirements
- Be studying full-time in a master’s with thesis, doctoral or “fast-track” program when the travel takes place.
- Complete the form.
- Clearly indicate how the research stay is related to the thesis in progress.
- Ensure that the thesis director indicates his or her support in a detailed recommendation in the space provided for this purpose on the application.
- A maximum of one Research Travel Grant awarded to a student in a master’s with thesis program. At least two terms but less than 6 terms completed at the time of travel.
- A maximum of one Research Travel Grant awarded to a student in a PhD program through the duration of their program. At least three terms but less than twelve terms completed at the time of travel.
- Only travel directly related to data collection for the current thesis are eligible.
Applicants must:
- Submit their application by emailing the requested documents to [email protected] by May 15, September 15 or December 15.
- Wait for the acceptance or refusal letter from the Dean’s Office, Faculty of Health Sciences, by email.
- Within 30 days of returning from the data collection trip, complete the Request for Reimbursement of Travel Expenses form and return it with the receipts to [email protected].
Where applicable, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that ethics approval for the research project is obtained prior to the research travel.
- Master's with thesis students (PDF)
- PhD and fast-track students (PDF)
- Request for reimbursement of travel expenses (PDF)
- Master's with thesis: up to $550
- PhD and fast-track: up to $800
- Applications must be received prior to conference travel.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.
- Applications will be reviewed on a periodic basis. Completed applications to be submitted by May 15; September 15 and December 15.
- Given the limited funds and the increased number of requests, there is no guarantee that you will receive funding even if your application meets all the conditions.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.
- Please allow a minimum of five business days after the submission deadline for a response regarding your conference travel grant application.
Eligibility Requirements
Master's with thesis students applying for a conference travel grant must:
- Be registered full time in a thesis program at the time of the conference.
- Present their thesis research results at the conference within the first six terms from their initial registration in the master's program.
PhD students applying for a conference travel grant must:
- Be registered full time in a PhD program at the time of the conference.
- Have completed at least two terms in their PhD program.
- Present their thesis research content at the conference within the first 15 terms from their initial registration in the PhD program (the first term of the transfer to PhD is taken as reference for fast-track students).
- A maximum of one Conference Travel Grant or Virtual Conference Grant can be awarded to a student in a master’s with thesis program.
- A maximum of two Conference Travel Grants and/or Virtual Conference Grants can be awarded to a student in a PhD program through the duration of their program.
- A maximum of one Conference Travel Grants and/or Virtual Conference Grants per fiscal year (between May 1 and April 30).
- A maximum of three Conference Travel Grants and/or Virtual Conference Grants can be awarded to a student who fast-tracks into a PhD program, including any conference travel grant received while being registered in a master's program.
- This grant can only be used to cover conference registration fees and/or the cost of transportation (train, plane, bus, taxi, kilometers or other), and at the most economical rate possible. No other travel expenses are eligible.
- The maximum amount awarded varies according to the conference location (see the applicable geographical zone maps below).
- Conferences taking place in the Ottawa-Gatineau area are not eligible.
- For students who are not departing from Ottawa to attend the conference (e.g. exchange, internship, mobility, or in cotutelle at a host institution), the maximum amount awarded varies according to the distance travelled from the location of the host institution.
- The publication and presentation must deal with research results obtained during the current program and be related to the thesis.
- The applicant must be the first author (as listed on the official publication or conference documents) and the presenter.
- The applicant must obtain a financial contribution for the trip (a minimum of $100 is required) from their thesis supervisor.
- Additional criterion may be taken into consideration when the number of requests exceeds the available funds (e.g. number of thesis related presentations the student is delivering).
- Submit, prior to the conference travel, the completed and signed application form and all supporting documents listed in the section below by email to [email protected].
- Wait for the acceptance or refusal letter from the Dean's Office, Faculty of Health Sciences, by email.
- After the conference, complete the Request for reimbursement of travel expenses form and return it, along with receipts (including boarding passes) and a proof of attendance at the conference, to [email protected]. Include a proof of exchange rates used if applicable.
- The applicant will receive the reimbursement. The amount awarded is the lowest between:
- the actual cost of the transportation.
- the amount appearing on the geographic map.
Supporting documents to be submitted with the application
- A completed and signed application form clearly indicating how the presentation is related to the applicant’s thesis research results (for Master’s students) or thesis research content (for PhD students) as well as confirmed financial contribution and a detailed recommendation from the thesis supervisor
- An abstract of the publication to be presented
- A formal indication of the list of authors (cover page of publication or extract from the conference documentation or exchanges with the conference organizers that evidence the relevant publication and the list of authors)
- A written proof that the publication has been accepted for presentation at the conference (issued by the conference organizers).
- Master's with thesis students (PDF)
- PhD and fast-track students (PDF)
- Request for reimbursement of travel expenses (PDF)
- Geographical zone – master's program
- Geographical zone – doctoral and fast-track programs
- Master's with thesis: up to $200
- PhD or fast-track: up to $400
- Applications must be received prior to the conference.
- Applications will be reviewed on a periodic basis. Completed applications to be submitted by May 15; September 15 and December 15.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible.
- Please allow a minimum of five business days after the submission deadline for a response regarding your virtual conference grant application.
- Given the limited funds and the increased number of requests, there is no guarantee that you will receive funding even if your application meets all the conditions.
Eligibility Requirements
Master's with thesis students applying for a virtual conference grant must:
- Be registered full time in a thesis program at the time of the conference and
- Present their thesis research results at the conference within the first six terms from their initial registration in the Master's program.
PhD students applying for a conference virtual conference grant must:
- Be registered full time in a PhD program at the time of the conference.
- Have completed at least two terms in their PhD program.
- Present their thesis research content at the conference within the first 15 terms from their initial registration in the PhD program (the first term of the transfer to PhD is taken as reference for fast-track students).
- A maximum of one Conference Travel Grant or Virtual Conference Grant can be awarded to a student in a master’s with thesis program.
- A maximum of two Conference Travel Grants or Virtual Conference Grants can be awarded to a student in a PhD program through the duration of their program.
- A maximum of one Conference Travel Grant or Virtual Conference Grant per fiscal year (between May 1 and April 30).
- A maximum of three Conference Travel Grants or Virtual Conference Grants can be awarded to a student who fast-tracks into a PhD program, including any conference travel grant received while being registered in a Master's program.
- This grant can only be used to cover the cost of the registration fee to a virtual conference. No other expenses are eligible.
- The publication and presentation must deal with thesis research results (for Master’s students) or thesis research content (for PhD students) obtained during the current program.
- The applicant must be the first author (as listed on the official publication or conference documents) and the presenter.
- Given the limited funds and the increased number of requests, there is no guarantee that you will receive funding even if your request meets all these conditions.
- Submit, prior to the conference, the completed and signed application form and all supporting documents listed in the section below by email to [email protected].
- If your request is approved, after the conference, complete the Request for reimbursement of travel expenses form. Add the virtual conference fee under the category of Frais d’inscription/Registration fees and return it, along with original receipt (payment of virtual conference registration fees) and a proof of presentation at the conference, to [email protected]. Include a proof of exchange rates used if applicable.
- The applicant will receive the reimbursement. The amount awarded is the actual cost of the virtual conference registration fee up to the maximum allowed.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered eligible. Please review the following information prior to submitting your request.
Supporting documents to be submitted with the application
- A completed and signed application form clearly indicating how the presentation is related to the applicant’s thesis research results (for Master’s students) or thesis research content (for PhD students) as well as confirmed financial contribution and detailed recommendation from the thesis supervisor.
- An abstract of the publication to be presented.
- A formal indication of the list of authors (cover page of publication or extract from the virtual conference documentation or exchanges with the conference organizers that evidence the relevant publication and the list of authors).
- A written proof that the publication has been accepted for presentation at the virtual conference (issued by the conference organizers).
Under the joint supervision of a home and host professor, uOttawa senior undergraduate students (third or fourth year), graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows may apply to receive a $6,000 CAD award to conduct a 12- to 24-week research project in one of the following priority countries:
- Americas: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, United States
- Asia and Oceania: Australia, India, Japan*, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan*
- Europe: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom
- Africa and Middle East: Israel, Morocco, South Africa
*Travelers with proof of full COVID-19 vaccination are not able to enter the country at the time of the creation of these guidelines.
First Intake: July 18, 2022
Second Intake: November intake is cancelled for 2022.
Eligibility Requirements
Mitacs eligibility criteria: To be considered eligible for the IRA program, the student, institution, and supervisors applying to the program must meet all of Mitacs’ eligibility requirements found on their page.
uOttawa supervising professors: Supervisors must hold a full-time tenure or tenure track position at uOttawa or a permanent research position at one of the uOttawa’s affiliated research institutes.
Eligible countries: Outbound student researchers can participate in a research project in the countries listed above. Inbound student researchers must be registered in institutions from these countries.
Students or professors wishing to participate in a research project in a country not on the IRA priority list may i) submit a proposal directly to the Mitacs Globalink Research Award program instead; or ii) contribute $2,000CAD towards the proposed research project and receive up to $4,000CAD in IRA support if successful. The latter will count as one of the faculty’s yearly allocated awards.
Visit Requirements
- All visits must take place within one year upon receiving an Award Outcome Letter from Mitacs confirming the candidate’s successful submission.
- Outbound awardees must attend all mandatory pre-departure sessions given by IREX.
- Inbound awardees must register via IREX’ Visiting Student Researcher (VSR) process. IREX will provide an orientation guide to inbound students.
- It is the responsibility of all student researchers to obtain appropriate immigration documentation such as a work visa, work permit, insurance and other related documentation.
- uOttawa supervising professors are responsible for verifying the most up-to-date travel restrictions and related health considerations at the time of application and during the stay abroad. Up to date information on travel restrictions, quarantine mandates, and other COVID-19 related considerations based on departure and arrival locations can be found at International SOS.
- Applications must be completed by an eligible uOttawa supervising professor, a host supervisor, and the participating student. The key documentation can be found under “Forms” below.
- Application packages must be submitted by the uOttawa supervising professor to the Vice-Dean, Research office with IREX in copy. Application packages will be reviewed and pre-selected by the faculty before they are submitted to IREX. IREX and Mitacs will review the pre-selected applications and may request any changes to the application package to ensure a successful submission to Mitacs.
The Explore uOttawa program offers travel grants to prospective Master’s and doctoral candidates who wish to visit the University and meet with a potential thesis supervisor or program director.
Maximum of $300 CAD
Requests must be submitted at least ten (10) working days before the planned travel date.
- Fall intake deadline: September 30
- Winter intake deadline: January 15
Eligibility Requirements
To receive a grant, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Be eligible for admission in the next academic year.
- Travel at least 150 km from their point of departure to the campus.
- Have a scheduled appointment with a potential thesis supervisor or program director.
- Not have received a previous travel grant through the Explore uOttawa program.
Travel must be by the most convenient and economical means possible, using the most direct route. To take advantage of special fares or seat sales, we encourage you to purchase tickets for air travel or other transportation online, well in advance.
Please note that funds for this program are limited and will be approved on a first come, first served basis.
To apply, email your academic unit with the following information:
- Subject: Request for pre-approval Explore uOttawa
- Last Name
- First Name
- Student number
- Email Address
- Full Address
- Program of interest
- Name of potential supervisor or program director
- Area of specialization
- Proposed date of visit
- Point of departure
- Mode of transport