Friend of the Faculty Award
The Friend of the Faculty Award recognizes exceptional contributions to the Faculty of Health Sciences by individuals or groups. It is awarded every year as part of the Dean’s Excellence Awards Ceremony, which highlights innovation and important work being done at the Faculty.
Recipients of the Friend of the Faculty Award
Harmonize for Speech
Harmonize For Speech was established in 1977 by the Ontario District Association of Chapters of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Inspired by the words of Daniel Webster, “If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would choose to keep the power of communication, for by it, I would soon regain all the rest,” Harmonize for Speech has raised over 5 million dollars to date, to provide funding for many communication-related projects, including supporting speech-language pathology and audiology students at the University of Ottawa and other Canadian universities.
A Barbershop quartet visits our speech language pathology and audiology program each year to entertain with their beautiful harmonies and present excellence awards to selected second-year students and textbooks to all of our first-year students – definitely a highlight of the year. Harmonize for Speech also provides bursaries to students, in our programs, who are in financial need.

The Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) team is a good friend of the Faculty, making a major contribution to training a large number French-language minority students through its significant support for many programs, including the bachelor’s in nutrition sciences, the master’s programs in audiology, speech-language pathology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and the bachelor’s and master’s in nursing.
The CNFS administrative and health care team led by Nicole Lavoie has long shown its support for the Faculty (students, professors and support staff) and been attuned to us. In particular, it has provided regular, longstanding assistance concerning major files affecting the hands-on, clinical training offered in our accredited programs, as well as in developing our future health care professionals’ skills in interprofessional collaboration, leadership and research.

Dr. Marie des Anges Loyer
Dipl 1955, Cert 1958, BScN 1960, MEd 1968, PhD 1982
Dr. Marie des Anges Loyer was born in Ottawa in the depth of the Great Depression of 1933. Most of her active career has been dedicated to nursing education, leadership and administration. After twenty nine years of service at the University of Ottawa, as professor, Dean/Director of the School of Nursing, Associate Dean at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Health Sciences and as a member of numerous committees and organizations, she retired in 1994. Prior to retirement she was Chairperson of the University Committee on the Status of Women and of the Faculty of Health Sciences Human Research Ethics committee as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of the University and a member of its Board of Governors.
In 2006, the University of Ottawa announced the Loyer-DaSilva Research Chair in Community and Public Health Nursing, the first personally endowed research chair in this field in Canada. The Chair aims to provide an infrastructure to expand the body of nursing care knowledge in the field of community and public health nursing care and to disseminate it by implementing responsible practices within groups and communities that are underprivileged or marginalized.