Sandra Métayer is the administrative assistant and ensures the day to day operations of the Research Laboratory for Research on Occupational Health and Safety and Law at 603 King Edward Street.
Madame Monique Lefebvre is the coordinator of the partnership team: Policy and practice in return to work after work injury: Challenging circumstances and innovative solutions
Marie-Claire Lefebvre is a research professional who works on several projects. Recently she has examined the powers of labour inspectors to apply occupational health and safety legislation, the experiences of workers who return to work following a workplace injury, and access to compensation for workers with musculoskeletal injuries in the Quebec workers' compensation regime.
Frederick Sweet is a technical aid who sees to the construction and deployment of computer based research databases.
Masters Programme
- Jonathon Soltys, (LL.M., Research Essay), University of Ottawa, Violence in the workplace: healthcare workers and regulatory protections , September 2018
- Camille Lanthier-Riopel (LL.M.) (Thesis), University of Ottawa, Le droit régissant les mesures d’accommodement offertes dans les milieux de travail québécois aux travailleurs aux prises avec des problèmes de santé mentale, January 2017-
- Marianne Estimable (LL.M.: Essay), University of Ottawa, Le Code canadien du travail comme outil de protection de la santé mentale des travailleurs, septembre 2014 – 2017, excellent mention (part-time student)
- Fatima Tajini (LL.M.: Essay) University of Ottawa, Le droit des femmes a disposer de leur corps dans un pays musulman : cas du Maroc, 2015- 2016.
- Brent Smith (LL.M.: Essay), University of Ottawa, Access to Justice in Ontario: The Rich - The Poor - The In between?, 2015- 2016.
- Sabine Ndiaye (LL.M.: Essay), University of Ottawa, 2014-2015, L’effectivité des normes du droit international dans la protection de la santé humaine au regard des transferts des déchets toxiques des pays développés vers les pays en voie de développements.
- Roxanne Lacombe (LL.M.: Essay), études notariales, University of Ottawa, La reconnaissance juridique de l’euthanasie et du suicide assisté au Québec, 2011- 2012.
- Andrew King (LL.M.) (Thesis), University of Ottawa, Making Sense of Law Reform- A Case Study of Worker’s Compensation Law Reform in Ontario 1990 to 2012, 2011-2014.
- Friha Bdioui (LL.M.) (Thesis), UQAM, Les maladies professionnelles reliées à l’amiante: prévention et réparation, 2005-2009, With distinction. Received the Heenan Blaikie prize for the best Master’s Dissertation in labour and social law, 2009-2010.
Publication: Friha Bdioui, “La reconnaissance, à des fins de réparation, des maladies professionnelles pulmonaires liées à l’amiante au Québec”, Développements récents en droit de la santé et de la sécurité du travail, (2010), Les Éditions Yvon Blais inc. Cowansville, 2010, pp. 33-104.
- Geneviève Laurence(LL.M.: Essay) University of Ottawa in 2009, , Environmental Sensitivities : Why the Confusion ? An Examination of WSIAT Workers’ Compensation Decisions and the Role of Medical and Scientific Evidence in Determining Causation and Disability 2007-2009.
- Isabelle Aubé (LL.M.) (Thesis), UQAM, Le traitement des plaintes de harcèlement psychologique par les processus de médiation de la Commission des normes du travail et de conciliation de la Commission des lésions professionnelles, 2005- 2008, [Award winning thesis].
Publication: Isabelle Aubé, “Modes alternatifs de règlement des litiges relatifs au harcèlement psychologique”, (2009) 5(2) Reg@rds sur le travail 13-18.
Doctoral Programme
- Jean-Paul Dautel, (Ph.D), Law, University of Ottawa, L’insertion professionnelle des personnes handicapés et l’emploi et le maintien dans l’emploi des travailleurs handicapés, September 2017-.
- Fatima Tajini, (Ph.D.), Law, University of Ottawa: La violence au travail au Maroc: encadrement juridique et enjeux pour les travailleuses, January 2017-
- Danielle Lussier-Meek (Ph.D.), Law, University of Ottawa: Implementation of recommendations to law schools of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, December 2016-
- Arzhelenn Le Diguerher (Ph.D), Law, Paris XIII, co-directed with Professor Nathalie Ferré, Paris XIII, Étude de la relation causale entre cancer et travail : analyse comparative de la mise en œuvre des règlementations sur les risques professionnels, 2016-
- Jean-Sébastien Noiseux (Ph.D.) (Thesis), Law, University of Ottawa, Quelle est l’incidence du régime de financement actuel sur le régime d’indemnisation des lésions professionnelles? 2014-
- Julia Gitahy da Paixão, (Ph.D.) (Thesis), Law, University of Ottawa, Regulating Workplace Bullying cases in Brazil: access to justice and considerations on regulatory effectiveness, 2009-
- Isabelle Aubé (LL.D.) (Thesis), Law, University of Ottawa, Le droit régissant la vie privée des travailleurs victimes de lésions professionnelles dans le cadre de l’exercice d’un recours en vertu de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles (L.A.T.M.P.), 2008
- Lidia Casas, (Ph.D.) (Thesis), Law, University of Ottawa, The Effectiveness of the Sexual Harassment Law in Chile: From Theory to Practice, 2009- 2016
- Anette Sikka (LL.D.) (Thesis), Law, University of Ottawa, Trafficking in Persons in Canada: Looking for a ‘Victim’, May 2008-2014 (Directed by Katherine Lippel, co-directed with Lucie Lamarche).
- Rachel Cox (LL.D.) (Thesis), Law, Universty of Ottawa, Les effets du rôle accordé aux syndicats par le Projet de loi 143 sur la mise en oeuvre et la réception du droit à un milieu de travail exempt de harcèlement psychologique ainsi que sur l’action syndicale au Québec, 2006-2014. Received the Barreau de Paris prize for the best doctoral thesis in law written in French at the University of Ottawa.
- Stephanie Premji (Ph.D.) (Thesis), Programme doctoral de sciences environnementales, UQAM, Étude aux méthodes mixtes sur la relation entre l’ethnicité et la santé et sécurité du travail, sept. 2001-2008, Directed by Karen Messing, co-directed by Katherine Lippel,
- Anne Hudon, 2017-2018, The role of heathcare professionals as gatekeepers to social security systems including workers' compensation (co-directed with Ellen MacEachen). Bursary from Fonds de Recherche du Québec
- Dana Howse, 2017-2018, Supporting mobility to, from and within work with a physical disability: policies and practices in Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador with funding from SSHRC Income security and labour-market engagement : Envisioning the future of disability policy in Canada (SSHRC), co-directed with Barbara Neis, Memorial.
- Desai Shan, 2017-2018, Occupational Health and Safety Management and Maritime Workers’ Compensation Claims on Canada’s Great Lakes, Funding from SSHRC On the Move (SSHRC) and Canada Research Chair on Occupational Health and Safety Law, co-directed with Barbara Neis, Memorial.
- Franciso Trujillo Pons, The Regulation of Psychological Harassment in Canada, 2015-2016, funding from University Jaume I, Barcelona, Spain.
- Frédéric Décosse, Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires oeuvrant au Canada, 2012-2013, with funding from On the Move (SSHRC)
- Mankui Li, with funding from the China-Canada student exchange program to study at the Canada Research Chair on Occupational Health and Safety Law, 2009-2010.
- Agnieska Kosny, post-doctoral bursary from SSHRC Research Action Alliance on the Consequence of Work Injury (RAACWI), 2006-2008.
- Stacey Wareham, Memorial University, with post-doctoral bursary from NLCAHR in 2007. Directeurs: Barbera Neis (Memorial), Arla Day (Saint Mary’s University) and K. Lippel, University of Ottawa (study term at Canada Research Chair on Occupational Health and Safety Law in November 2008).