Choose two professors who know you and your work

When you choose your professors, keep in mind that they must be able to assess your suitability for graduate studies. You can choose someone who has taught you, supervised your thesis, employed you, etc.

Letter of reference procedure

It takes approximately 7-10 days following your online submission and payment of the application fees to the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC) for your file to be received by the University of Ottawa. Once received, an email will be sent out to you by the University. The email will contain your student number, uoAccessID and password to access your uoZone account (your student services portal) and guidelines to upload the required documents.

The email will also have information about how to access the uoZone student portal, where you can add your referees’ names and contact information.

After you add your referees’ names and contact information, they will receive emails asking them to complete the online reference form.

The process takes place on a secure portal where your personal information is protected and only accessible to authorized staff, guaranteeing that your letters of recommendation will remain completely confidential.


  • We only accept reference forms submitted online. We do not accept hard copy letters.
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Some tips

Light bulbs with fireflies

Here are the steps to follow to prepare your application and not miss anything: