Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:45 pm (Except on holidays).
Materials dropped off at the end of the day will be autoclaved on next business day.

Schedule (September to May)

Liquid9:00 am10:30 am
Dry10:30 am12:00 pm
Liquid / Dry12:00 pm1:30 pm
Liquid1:30 pm3:00 pm
Dry3:00 pm4:45 pm

Please note that this schedule is subject to change.

Schedule (June to August)

Liquid9:00 am10:30 am
Dry10:30 am12:00 pm
Liquid12:00 pm1:30 pm
Dry1:30 pm3:00 pm

Please note that this schedule is subject to change.

The substances that must not be autoclaved:

  • Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) or other chlorinated products;
  • Organic solvents or other unstable organic materials generating fumes when heated (ex: Formaldehyde, Formamide, Beta-mercaptoethanol);
  • Acids and Alkali
  • Flmmables
  • Oxidizers
  • Phenol
  • Radioactive material
  • Material contaminated with chemotherapeutic agents
  • Detergents (SDS, Tweens)

Even small quantities or highly diluted samples containing the above substances can injure or harm the autoclave tech or yourself. If unsure, please contact our team.

General Rules

  1. Anyone wishing to use the autoclave service must first complete the autoclave training
  2. All materials must be in polypropylene plastic trays. Polypropylene trays must be in good condition with no cracks or broken handles. Polyethylene trays will melt at high temperature.
  3. All trays must be labelled with the name and extension of the laboratory.
  4. Dry material must be separate from liquid material.
  5. Bottles containing liquids must not be filled over 60% of their holding capacity. Some liquids expand during autoclaving and may cause the bottle to explode.
  6. The total weight of your tray should not exceed 4 kg (8lb).
  7. Material must not be sealed; steam must be able to penetrate the content to sterilize it.
  8. Each tray must be accompanied by an autoclave form. (Available at the autoclave room)
  9. Autoclave indicator tape must be used to inform users that the load has been autoclaved.
  10. Material must be placed on the shelves of CAREG 233 and must be picked up by the end of the day. Do not put anything on the top shelves. We are not responsible for material left after hours.
  11. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call a technician at extension 6343.

Procedures for a safe sterilization of your biohazard waste

  1. To ensure adequate steam penetration:
    • Do not fill waste bags beyond 75% of its maximum holding capacity.
    • Never crush or push down biohazard waste.
    • Place your biohazard waste bag in a polypropylene tray large enough to contain the entire bag.
  2. Use only one bag per tray.
  3. Use an autoclave certified bag that can withstand temperature around 132°C.
  4. Never put sharp objects, glass or chemical waste in biohazardous waste.
  5. All waste bags must be identified with a University of Ottawa Hazardous Waste label available at the science store or through the Regular Hazardous Waste Collection form (supply and equipment order at bottom of web page).
  6. Please pick up your empty trays 24 hours after the sterilization of your waste.
  7. Fill out the hazardous waste label thoroughly and be sure to indicate the biohazard in the content section. (exp.: E. coli, human cells, etc.)

Contact info

Nathalie Bourassa

Chief lab technician

Room: Biosciences, room 141A
Office: 613-562-5800 ext. 6427
Work E-mail[email protected]