Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral Program and Doctoral Foreign Study Award

Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral Program (CGS D) provides special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in a health-related field in Canada. The Doctoral Foreign Study Award (DFSA) provides special recognition and support to students who are pursuing a doctoral degree in a health-related field abroad.


CGS D: $35,000 per year; DFSA: $35,000 per year


Monday, October 18, 2021 at 8 p.m.

Important notice

Applicants complete and submit one application to be considered for both a CGS D scholarship and an agency doctoral award.

Please consult the description and application criteria for each of the scholarship (CGS D and DFSA) since there might be some differences.  

The application must be submitted online on the CIHR Website. T


The Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral (CGS D) program
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

* The information on this page is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment from the University of Ottawa.