The overarching research objective of Dr. Anis is to bring nonlinear imaging and sensing closer to the bedside by conceiving all-fiber, ultrafast, high-sensitivity platforms targeted at biomedical applications.

Our research seeks to further our understanding of light propagation in fiber media at high intensities, and translate that understanding into tangible outcomes in the form of novel all-fiber platforms. The focus of Dr. Anis' lab is on three inter-related themes: ultrafast sources, nonlinear microscopy/endoscopy and biosensors.


Dr. Anis' lab is situated in the state-of-the art research facilities in the new Advanced Research Complex - a building designed and constructed from the ground up with photonics research in mind.

Dr. Anis's lab is divided into 3 separate rooms. One for nonlinear microscopy and endoscopy, the second for biosensors and the third is for femtosecond fiber lasers.

In addition the photonics Innovation lab is collocated with about a dozen other photonics research labs, and core facilities that include clean rooms

Biphotonics lab equipment.
Biphotonics lab equipment.
Biphotonics lab equipment.


Principle investigator

Graduate students

  • Mohamed Ahmed
  • Ali Momenpour
  • Ebin Joseph
  • Huda Yusif
  • Robert Hunter


  • Hussein Kotb
  • Altaf Khetani
  • Bassan mansour
  • Sangeeta murugkar
  • Shawky el-mougy
  • Shiyu Gao
  • Vidhu Tiwari
  • Majid Naji
  • Francois boudreault
  • Nebras deb
  • Shinyoung Yoon


Those with background in femtosecond fiber lasers, photonic crystal fibers, nonlinear propagation and fiber sensors are especially encouraged to apply.

Prospective Students

Interested Master's, PhD students and post-doctoral researchers with experience in photonics are encouraged to contact Dr. Hanan Anis . Those with background in femtosecond fiber lasers, photonic crystal fibers, nonlinear propagation and fiber sensors are especially encouraged to apply.

Ph.D. / Masters graduate research position in Biophotonics

Attributes required:

  • Bachelor or Master in physical or engineering sciences with interest in life sciences and with strong capability and interest in instrumentation and measurement techniques including familiarity with signal processing (e.g. Labview) and data processing software (e.g. Matlab);
  • Ability and interest in multicultural team-work;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Willingness to ‘multitask’.


Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy

Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscopy has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool for non-invasive, chemical imaging of biological systems. Our research thrust into CARS microscopy was initiated by our hypothesis that a single femtosecond laser source used in conjunction with nonlinear PCF can generate both Pump and Stokes beams - an elegant approach that would maintain high imaging resolution and eliminate the cost and complexity associated with aligning two independent signals. Unlike previous proof-of-principle implementations, a nonlinear PCF with two closely lying zero dispersion wavelengths is used to generate the Stokes pulse. This is critical for practical CARS microscopy as single ZDW PCFs strongly amplify noise in the pump laser source at frequencies which would significantly degrade image quality and makes it impossible to use for imaging. Our prototype CARS microscope not only satisfies requirements of high quality CARS imaging and multiplex CARS spectroscopy, but also has the advantage of being a very cost effective approach. In addition, biomedical laboratories that already have a Ti:sapphire laser, can readily extend their multimodal microscopy platform to include CARS microscopy, by using our PCF based approach.

Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy

Femtosecond Fiber Laser

Femtosecond lasers are particularly well suited to address the needs of the health care industry (dentistry, neurosurgery, otosurgery), due to its inherent ability to ablate with high power, precision, and directionality and minimum collateral damage. Our investigation into high-power femtosecond lasers was initiated by our hypothesis that the use of PCF technology would obviate the need for bulk optics and enable an exclusively fiber-based device – making femtosecond lasers compact, stable and thus more ubiquitous. The novelty of this project arises from the attempt to construct an exclusively fiber-based, high-power, ultra-short pulse (femtosecond) laser platform using Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) technology. This requires deep investigation of interplay between nonlinear and dispersion effects and other pulse reshaping mechanisms inside both the laser cavity and the subsequent amplifier. Such an understanding is critical in tailoring the dispersion characteristics of the photonic crystal fiber to achieve stable and short pulses. Another important aspect that is being addressed is the stability of desired mode-locked regimes under influence of the cavity dispersion and pump parameters. Short-pulse lasers are particularly well suited to address the needs of the health care industry, with specific applications in dentistry, ophthalmology, neurosurgery, and otosurgery.

Femtosecond Fiber Laser

Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Biosensors

Non-labeled optical biosensing has come to commercial fruition in various forms such as surface plasma resonance, resonating mirrors and grating couplers. These techniques all rely on sensing changes in the evanescent field. Consequently, those changes are small and a lot of care must be taken to improve the sensitivity and the signal to noise ratio of the biosensor. Our research focuses on the investigation of an integrated optical biosensor for label-free detection of biomolecules using hollow-core photonic crystal fibres (PCF). In hollow-core PCFs, the main mode, rather than the evanescent field, interacts with the biomolecules, and a more pronounced spectral variation is obtained. Our efforts to-date have focused on investigating a robust technique to fill hollow core photonic crystal fibers.

Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Biosensors

Metro Edge/Access Networks

We are currently witnessing resurgence in the telecommunications sector. The current growth is fueled by end-user demand for more bandwidth. For the first time, both consumer and business services are driving bandwidth demand with equal force, which augurs well for a sustained period of growth. With a popular bundle already offered by advanced service providers, including high-definition TV, video on demand etc., the required bandwidth per user can be up to 100Mb/s. Legacy SONET-based metro rings and copper-based access networks are incapable of supporting such bandwidth requirements. As such, current metro edge and access networks represent the last major bottleneck to deliver this bandwidth for residential and business users, and represent an impediment to the growth of a range of digital applications. The metro edge and access portion of the network requires new architectures that are capable of supporting multiple services over one integrated network which is scalable and fault tolerant. This research seeks to find a comprehensive scalable and adaptable solution that connects the end-user with the network core. The research centers on two key hypotheses: a) The foundation for adaptability in the metro edge networks of the future will be the Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (ROADM), which will allow for transported services to be switched optically, remotely and in real-time, and b) in the access portion of the network, fiber to the home will become the preferred technology for green-field deployments and passive optical networks (PONs), specifically Hybrid TDM/WDM(Time-Division Multiplexed & Wavelength-Division Multiplexed) PONs will emerge as the optimum architecture to ensure scalability.

Metro Edge/Access Networks


Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Microscopy

  1. Majid Naji, S. Murugkar and Hanan Anis.  “Determining optimum operating conditions of the polarization-maintaining fiber with two far-lying zero dispersion wavelengths for CARS microscopy”.  Optics Express Vol. 22, Issue 9, pp.10800-14 (2014).
  2. B. Smith, Majid Naji, S. Murugkar, Craig Brideau, Peter K. Stys, and Hanan Anis, “Miniaturized, fibre delivered, multimodal CARS exoscope,” Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 14, pp. 17161-17175 (2013).
  3. Brett Smith, Majid Naji, Sangeeta Murugkar, Peter Stys and Hanan Anis “A novel multimodal CARS miniaturized microscope,” Photonics west, San Francisco, USA 2012.
  4. B. Mansour, C. Brideau, S. Murugkar, A. Ridsdale, S. El Mougy, H. Anis, P. Stys,  “Application of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using photonic crystal fiber with two zero-dispersion wavelengths,”  poster session, Optical Fiber Conference, Anaheim, USA, 2007
  5. Sangeeta Murugkar, Silvia Carrasco, Conor Evans, X. Sunney Xie and Hanan Anis, “Rapid detection of cryptosporidium parvum oocysts using coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy,” oral presentation, CTuF2, CLEO, Baltimore, USA, 2007
  6. Sangeeta Murugkar, Craig Brideau, Andrew Ridsdale, Majid Naji , Peter K. Stys, Hanan Anis, “Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using photonic crystal fiber with two closely lying zero dispersion wavelengths,” Optics Express, , Vol. 15, Issue 21, pp. 14028-14037 (2007)
  7. S. Murugkar, A. Ridsdale, P. Stys, H. Anis, “Optimization of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy using photonic crystal fiber,” photonics North 07.
  8. S. Murugkar, C. Evans, S. Xie and  H. Anis, ““Pathogen Detection Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Microscopy,” Journal of Microscopy, vol. 233, Issue 2, page 205-351 (2009).

  9. S. Murugkar, C. Evans, S. Xie and  H. Anis, ““Pathogen Detection Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) Microscopy,” Journal of Microscopy, 233, 244-250 (2009).

  10. S. Murugkar, B. Smith, P. Srivastava, Adrian Moica, Majid Naji, Craig Brideau, Peter K. Stys, and Hanan Anis, “Miniaturaized multimodal CARS microscope based on MEMS scanning and a single laser source,” Optics express, Vol.18, Issue 23, pp.23796-23804 (2010) .

Raman Biosensors Publications

  1. Altaf Khetani, Ali Momenpour, Emilio Alarcon and Hanan Anis “Hollow core photonic crystal fiber for monitoring leukemia cells using surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), biomedical optics express, Nov. 2015.
  2. Altaf Khetani, Ali Momenpour, Vidhu Tiwari and Hanan Anis “Silver Nanoparticle Applications: In the Fabrication and Design of Medical,” springer 2015, book chapter, springer 2015, pages 47-70.
  3. Ali Momenpour T. Monfared. Vidhu S. Tiwari. Vance L. Trudeau. Hanan Anis, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy for the Detection of Glutamate and -Aminobutyric Acid in Serum by Partial Least Squares Analysis,” IEEE photonics journal, Volume 7, Number 3, June 2015.
  4. Vidhu S. Tiwari, Altaf Khetani, Ali Momenpour, and Hanan Anis, “Optimum size and volume of nano particles within hollow core photonic crystal fiber,” IEEE Journal of Quantum electronics, Vol. 20, No.3 (2014).
  5. Altaf Khetani, Jason Riordon, Vidhu Tiwari, Ali Momenpour T. Monfared, Michel Godin and Hanan Anis, ”Hollow core photonic crystal fiber as a robust Raman biosensor”, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 10, pp. 12340-12350 (2013).
  6. Ali Momenpour T. Monfared, Vidhu S. Tiwari, Markandey M. Tripathi and Hanan Anis, “Raman spectroscopy for clinical-level detection of heparin in serum by partial least-squares analysis,” J. Biomed. Opt. 18(2), 027010 (2013). 
  7. Altaf Khetani, Vidhu Tiwari, Hanan Anis “Monitoring of heparin concentration in serum by Raman spectroscopy within hollow core photonic crystal fiber”, Optics Express, Vol. 19, Issue 16, pp. 15244-15254 (2011).
  8. K. Stamplecoskie and Tito Scaiano, Vidhu Tiwari and Hanan Anis “Optimal Size of Silver Nanoparticles for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy,” Journal of physical chemistry C, Vol. 155, issue 5, pp.1403-1409 (2011).
  9. Altaf Khetani, Marie Laferrière, Hanan Anis and Tito Scaiano, “Laser flash photolysis with nanoliter samples. Photonic crystal fibers as ultrasmall smart test tubes,” Journal of Materials Chemistry, 18, 4769-4774 (2008).
  10. Altaf Khetani , Ali Momenpour T. Monfared , Vidhu S. Tiwari , Hanan Anis , Jason Riordon , Michel Godin, ”Hollow core photonic crystal fiber as a robust Raman biosensor”, Photonics west, San Francisco, USA 2013.
  11. Vidhu Tiwari, Altaf Khetani, Ali Momenpour Monfared, Vance Trudeau and Hanan Anis “Detection of amino acid neurotransmitters by surface enhanced Raman scattering and hollow core photonic crystal fiber,” Photonics west, San Francisco, USA 2012.
  12. Majid Naji , Altaf Khetani , Neil Lagali , Rejean Munger , H. Anis, “A novel method of using hollow-core photonic crystal fiber as a Raman biosensor,” Photonics west, San Jose, USA 2008.
  13. J. Irizar, J. Dinglasan, J.B. Goh, A. Khetani, H. Anis, D. Anderson, C. Goh, A. S. Helmy “Ultra sensitive Raman Spectroscopy of Nanoparticles using Photonic Crystal Fibers” CLEO San Jose, USA, 2008.
  14. Y. Logvin, A. Khetani, H. Anis, “Cladding Mode Assisted Supercontinuum Generation in Solid Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for Biosensor Application” Photonics West, San Jose, USA 2008.
  15. V. Tiwari, A. Khetani, M. Naji and H. Anis, “study of surface enhanced Raman Scattering(SERS) within Hollow core photonic crystal fiber, “ IEEE Sensors conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2009.
  16. Vidhu Tiwari, Altaf Khetani, Ali Momenpour Monfared, Vance Trudeau and Hanan Anis “Detection of amino acid neurotransmitters by surface enhanced Raman scattering and hollow core photonic crystal fiber,” Photonics west, San Francisco, USA 2012.

  17. V. Tiwari, A. Khetani, and H. Anis,” Monitoring of Adenosine within Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fiber by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)”, 11th International conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano 2011), Portland, USA 2011.

femtosecond fiber Journal Publications

  1. Mohamed A. Abdelalim, Hussein E. Kotb, Hanan Anis, and Serguei Tchouragoulov, "Power-scaled dissipative soliton using double-cladding-pumped Yb-doped all-fiber amplifier," Photon. Res. 4, 277-280 (2016).
  2. Hussein Kotb, Mohamed Abdelalim and Hanan Anis, "Generalized Analytical Model for Dissipative Soliton in All-Normal-Dispersion Mode-Locked Fiber Laser", Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics IEEE Journal of, vol. 22, pp. 25-33, 2016.
  3. Hussein Kotb, Mohamed A. Abdelalim, and Hanan Anis, "Effect of narrow spectral filter position on the characteristics of active similariton mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser," Opt. Express 23, 29660-29674 (2015)
  4. H. E. Kotb, M. A. Abdelalim and H. Anis, "An Efficient Semi-Vectorial Model for All-Fiber Mode-Locked Femtosecond Lasers Based on Nonlinear Polarization Rotation," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 416-424, Sept.-Oct. 2014.
  5. H. E. Kotb, M. A. Abdelalim, K. J. Bock and H. Anis, "Peak Power Optimization of Optical Pulses Using Low-Doped Gain-Medium in Femtosecond Fiber Laser," in Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 31, no. 13, pp. 2230-2236, July1, 2013.
  6. Mohamed A. Abdelalim, Yury Logvin, Diaa A. Khalil, and Hanan Anis, "Steady and oscillating multiple dissipative solitons in normal-dispersion mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser," Opt. Express 17, 13128-13139 (2009)
  7. Mohamed A. Abdelalim, Yury Logvin, Diaa A. Khalil, and Hanan Anis, "Properties and stability limits of an optimized mode-locked Yb-doped femtosecond fiber laser," Opt. Express 17, 2264-2279 (2009).
  8. Hussein E. Kotb, Mohamed A. Adbelalim, and Hanan Anis, "An efficient semi-vectorial model for all-fiber mode-locked femtosecond lasers based on nonlinear polarization rotation," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 20, Issue 5, 1100809 (2014)
  9. Hussein E. Kotb, Mohamed A. Abdelalim, Katherine J. Bock, and Hanan Anis, “Peak power optimization of optical pulses using low-doped gain-medium in femtosecond fiber laser,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 31, Issue 13, pp. 2230-2236 (2013)
  10. M. Abdelalim, Y. Logvin, D. Khalil and H. Anis, ”Properties and stability limits of an optimized mode locked Yb-doped femtosecond fiber laser,” Optics Express, Vol. 17, Issue 4, pp. 2264-2279 (2009)
  11. Hussein E. Kotb, Mohamed A. Abdelalim, Hanan Anis, "Effect of mode locking technique on the filtering bandwidth limitation in all normal dispersion femtosecond fiber laser", Proc. SPIE 8961, Fiber Lasers XI: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 89613A, San Francisco, USA 2014

  12. Katherine Bock, Hussein Kotb, Mohamed Abdelalim and Hanan Anis “Increasing energy in an ytterbium femtosecond fiber laser with a longer gain medium and lower doping”, Photonics West, San Francisco, USA 2012

  13. Hussein Kotb, Mohamed Abdelalim and Hanan Anis, “Effect of narrow spectral filter position on the characteristics of active similariton mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser”, optics express Nov. 2015.

  14. Hussein E. Kotb, Mohamed A. Adbelalim, and Hanan Anis, " Generalized Analytical Model for Dissipative Soliton in All Normal Dispersion Mode Locked Fiber Laser," submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, April 2015.

Contact us

Advanced Research Complex

25 Templeton street
Ottawa ON Canada
K1N 6N5

Hanan Anis
Tel: 613-562-5800 ext. 6709
Fax: 613-562-5664
Office: ARC 307 (map)
Email: [email protected]