International Association of Workplace Bullying and Harassment
Workers’ Comp Hub (, a resource website for injured and ill workers.
National Research Centre for OHS Regulation
The National Research Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulation is funded by the Australian Safety and Compensation Council to conduct research into OHS regulation, consistent with the National OHS Strategy 2002-2012, as endorsed by the Workplace Relations Ministers Council (WRMC).
International Journal of Social Security and Workers Compensation
The International Social Security and Workers Compensation Journal is an online double blind peer-reviewed journal which focuses on strengthening international discourse in the areas of social security and workers compensation, including the provision of disability support.
Business Outsourcing and Restructuring Regulatory Research Network (BORRRN)
Founded in 2008 by a small group of Australian researchers, the Business Outsourcing and Restructuring Regulatory Research Network (BORRRN) undertakes national, international, comparative and inter-disciplinary research on the interface between business outsourcing, business restructuring and work. The fields of research explored by BORRRN span commerce, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, the law of work, contract law, trade practices law, consumer protection law, international law and business regulation generally.
The European Trade Union Institute for Research, Education, and Health and Safety (ETUI-REHS)
is an international non profit-making Association established under Belgian law. The ETUI-REHS was created in April 2005 as a result of the merger of three bodies: the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI); the European Trade Union College (ETUCO); the Trade Union Technical Bureau (TUTB). Publications
Workers and employers need to be made aware of the risks that they face, and how to manage them. But health and safety bodies in the individual EU Member States cannot do this alone. That is why the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was set up, in 1996.
HesaMag is a magazine all about health and safety at work, published in English and French. It is profusely illustrated, printed in full color, and designed to appeal to a wide readership. HesaMag is published twice a year, and sets out to show that occupational health is not just something for specialists but both a big political issue and a daily concern for millions of workers. HESAMAG is published by the ETUI:The European Trade Union Institute is the independent research and training centre of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) which itself affiliates European trade unions into a single European umbrella organisation.
RISCTOX: a comprehensive database on toxic and hazardous substances ûblished by ETUI.
Association Henri Pézerat
L’Association Henri Pézerat a pour but de créer et de faire vivre un réseau d’échanges d’expérience et d’aide aux luttes sociales concernant la santé des personnes en lien avec le travail et l’environnement.