The Support Staff Award for Excellence is presented to members of the support staff who demonstrate excellence in administrative activities, student support or service to faculty members and make outstanding contributions to helping achieve the University's Transformation 2030 goals in at least one of the four strategic areas:
- Student experience
- Research excellence
- Internationalization
- Bilingualism
The selection committee may recommend one annual award each for a manager and a non-managerial staff member. Award recipients receive a $500 gift certificate.
Eligibility criteria
All managers and members of the support staff at the Faculty of Education, including contract staff, are eligible for the award.
Nominees must consent to the nomination. Nominations can come from any group or individual, including managers, colleagues, professors, students, students’ parents or members of the general public. Employees cannot nominate themselves.
Nominations must be submitted to the Faculty’s Vice-Dean, Research, by email to [email protected] on or before May 31 of each year.
Nominations must include:
- A statement of the nominee’s exceptional contribution to service excellence that enhances the University experience or to one or more of the four Destination 2020 strategic areas listed above (maximum of 350 words)
- Two to five letters of recommendation with a short description of the nominee’s exceptional contributions, as in the above point (maximum of 350 words)
- Contact information for the nominator(s), references and nominee
At least one of the letters in support of the nomination must come from:
- The dean or a vice-dean of the Faculty of Education,
- Faculty of Education’s support staff (two letters required when nomination is submitted by a Faculty support staff member)
- Teaching staff of the Faculty of Education or
- Support staff from another faculty.
Any member of the University community, including managers, students, parents of students and members of the public, can provide a letter of recommendation as well.
Selection criteria
Recipients are selected based on:
- The degree to which the nominee’s efforts:
- Enhance the reputation of the Faculty or the University, or both
- Provide innovative solutions that defy the conventional, to improve service quality or contribute to at least one of the Destination 2020 priorities listed above
- How consistently the nominee maintains these high service standards
The selection committee establishes a shortlist of candidates who have made an exceptional contribution to service excellence that enhances the University experience or to one or more of the four Destination 2020 strategic areas.
The committee submits the shortlist to the dean, who makes the final decision on the award winner(s).