The University of Ottawa ID card is compulsory for all loans and must be presented for all transactions. It is strictly forbidden to use the card of another person.
Alumni and people affiliated with other universities or libraries may also use a valid card to borrow documents.
Loan Rules
- Students (undergraduate and graduate): 120 days (subject to recall), 500 items, unlimited renewals
- Professors: 120 days (subject to recall), 500 items, unlimited renewals
- Staff: 120 days (subject to recall), 500 items, unlimited renewals
- Alumni: 28 days (subject to recall), 15 items, 2 renewals
- Other users (with card): 28 days (subject to recall), 15 items, 2 renewals
The maximum number of items includes all types of resources, such as books, reserve documents, audiovisual material, equipment, and kits.
The due date and time of all items will be indicated in your patron. Please make sure to respect the due dates and times because in some cases late fees are calculated by the hour.
Reference documents and some software from the reserve must be used in the Centre only.
To borrow a document on reserve you have to request the item at the circulation desk giving the complete call number. To find a document's call number you might consult the catalogue (type the course code or the professor's name or the document's title in the keyword box) or you might consult the "Reserve" binders placed on the counter, they contain lists by professors and by course codes. Documents borrowed from the reserve typically have a short loan period determined by the professors (ranging from one hour to seven days). Make sure to respect these limits because fines are calculated by the hour.
Inter-Library Loans
As University of Ottawa student or employee it is possible to borrow documents from another library using the Inter-Library Loan Service (ILL). To request an inter-library loan, you are required to fill out an electronic request via RACER.
There are two ways to renew a document. We do not accept requests to renew documents by telephone, email or methods other than the following:
- Renewal in person, with the item in hand, at the circulation desk of the Resource Centre or;
- Renewal by Internet
To renew an item online, log in to your patron
Material on reserve and some audiovisual materials cannot be renewed. Renewals are possible for other types of documents, except if the document is late, if you have more than $20 in fines, or if another user has placed a hold on the item.
Documents can be returned to the Resource Centre's circulation desk, in the drop box, or to any University of Ottawa library. Reserve documents equipment and educational kits should be returned to the Resource Centre's circulation desk. Educational kits and multimedia equipment will be checked in after the content has been verified. We will notify you by e-mail if any item is missing. All multimedia equipment must be returned to the Resource Centre's circulation desk during opening hours.
From the catalogue you may place a hold on a document that is already borrowed (except if you have fines exceeding $20). You can select the pickup location you prefer (such as LMX the Resource Centre). An e-mail will be sent to notify you as soon as the document is returned and ready for pick-up. You will then have five days to pick up the document at the circulation desk. You can consult your patron file to know when the document has been returned. The Centre may cancel a hold for administrative reasons, such as for placing a book on reserve.
To borrow a document from the annex you must place a hold on the document to order it. You have to choose a pick-up location. An e-mail will be sent to notify you as soon as the document is ready for pick-up. You will then have five days to pick-up the document at the circulation desk you have chosen. For more details on the annex.
Fines, Sanctions and Fees
- Normal loans: No late fee
- Reserve documents: $1 per hour per item
- Recalls: $4 per day per item
- Multimedia equipment: $4 per hour per item
The calculation and payment of fines can only be performed once the document or the equipment is returned. You may pay your fines in cash at the Centre. Should you wish to use a different payment method, you can visit or call the Morisset Library. You can check the balance on your account in your patron file.
If you would like to contest a fine, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with all the relevant information.
Lost or Damaged Items
Users are responsible for the documents they borrow. In the event of loss or damages, the user must pay the replacement fees and administrative fees.
- Audiocassettes: $100
- Books: $100
- CDs (music): $380
- CD-ROMs (images): $120
- Journals: $100
- Equipment/Laptops: $500
- Slides: $5
- Trays: $20
- Videos or DVDs: $160
With the agreement of the Centre's administration, the user can supply a replacement copy for a lost or damaged document. A $25 administrative fee will be applied.
In the event of lost, damaged or stolen books, kits, equipment or other materials belonging to the Resource Centre, please contact us as soon as possible.
Software Loans
All software in the general collection can be borrowed and used outside the Resource Centre. Any software that is on reserve is subject to restrictions.
Educational Kits
All educational kits must be returned directly to the Resource Centre's circulation desk (NOT to another library, the drop box, etc.). The content of some educational kit is checked before the loan. In this situation, the return of educational kits and multimedia equipment is performed in the system after the content has been checked. We will notify you by e-mail of any missing item.
Borrowing and Reserving Multimedia Equipment
Students, staff and professors of the Faculty of Education can borrow and reserve multimedia equipment (projectors, laptops, digital cameras, etc.) at the circulation desk. Although reservations are optional, they are highly recommended. Reservations must be made in person, at the circulation desk or using the online form. The loan period is usually 4 hours unless a special request is made. Some of the multimedia equipment may only be taken out of the Centre by staff and professors.
When you borrow multimedia equipment, each piece of equipment is registered to your patron file. The return must be performed during opening hours. Multimedia equipment must not be returned to other libraries or placed in the drop box.
In the event of loss or theft, please contact the Protection Services immediately and contact the Centre.