Complementary electives are offered in both French or English and can be taken in either language. Some courses are only available in one language. Only the courses found on this list are acceptable complementary electives for undergraduate engineering students. Upper year courses may be taken as well provided you meet the prerequisite requirements.

Complementary electives courses list

  • Aboriginal Studies (EAS): All
  • Administration (ADM): All except 1305/1705, 1370/1770, 2303/2703, 2304/2704, 2372/2772
  • Anthropology (ANT): All
  • Arabic Language and Culture (ARB): All
  • Asian Studies (ASI): All
  • Biopharmaceutical Science (BPS): BPS1101/1501
  • Canadian Studies (CDN): All
  • Celtic Studies (CLT): All
  • Chinese (CHN): All
  • Classical Studies (CLA): All
  • Classics (LCL): All
  • Communication (CMN): All
  • Conflict Studies and Human Rights (ECH): All
  • Criminology (CRM): All
  • Economics (ECO): All except ECO1192/1592, 3145/3545, 3150/3550
  • Education (PED): PED2507, 2508 only
  • Engineering, general (GNG): GNG 3100/3500, 4120, 4170/4570 only
  • English (ENG): All
  • English as a Second Language (ESL): All
  • Environmental studies (ENV): ENVI1101/1501, 2110/2510, 2301/2701 only
  • Film Studies (CIN): All
  • Francophone Studies (EFR): All
  • French as a Second Language (FLS): All
  • French Studies (FRE): All
  • Geography (GEG): All except GEG2320/2720, 3105/3505, 3312/3712
  • German Language and Culture (ALG): All
  • Gerontology (GRT): GRT2100/2500 only
  • Hebrew (HBR): All
  • History (HIS): All
  • Indigenous Languages (ILA): All
  • Interdisciplinary Study in Arts (AHL): All
  • International Development and Globalization (DVM): All except DVM3160/3560
  • Italian Language and Culture (ITA): All
  • Japanese (JPN): All
  • Journalism (JOU): All
  • Latin American Studies (ELA): All
  • Leisure Studies (LSR): All
  • Lettres françaises (FRA): All
  • Linguistics (LIN): All
  • Medieval Studies (MDV): All
  • Modern Languages (LLM): All
  • Music (MUS): All
  • Philosophy (PHI): All
  • Polish (PLN): All
  • Political Science (POL): All
  • Portuguese (POR): All
  • Psychology (PSY): PSY1101/1501, PSY1102/1502 only
  • Public administration (PAP): PAP1301/1701, and PAP2320 only
  • Religious Studies (SRS): All
  • Russian Language and Culture (RUS): All
  • Social Work (SVS): All
  • Sociology (SOC): All
  • Spanish (ESP): All
  • Theatre (THE): All
  • Translation (TRA): All
  • uOGlobal (GLO): GLO49011 and GLO49012
  • Visual Arts (ART): All
  • Women’s Studies (FEM): All
  • World Literature and Culture (LCM): All
  • Yiddish (YDD): All