If you are concerned about a student’s immediate safety or it is an emergency, contact Protection Services immediately at 613-562-5411.

Case management (student support)
The Student Support team offers non-clinical case management services to students with complex needs at the University of Ottawa.

What is Case Management?
The Student Support team provides case management services to all uOttawa students. Our goal is to provide students with an integrated approach to managing their complex academic, health, or personal needs. A case management approach will harness the resources at the University of Ottawa and in the community to create a support system that enables a student to take control of their life in a sustainable way.

Who can use this service?
All students at the University of Ottawa are eligible for case management services. This includes incoming students, currently enrolled students, and students taking a leave from their studies. If in doubt, contact the Student Support team with any questions or for consultation on any complex student support issue.

Why would I refer a student or myself?
Students may be referred to us for a variety of reasons, including academic difficulties, mental health challenges that impact their quality of life, struggles with personal or situational trauma, or any other complex matter that would require the coordination of multiple services. Community members can also make a referral to the Student Support team for a consultation regarding students of concern or contact us at [email protected]

What happens after referral?
Once you complete a referral form, a Student Support team member will contact you to gather more information and determine the next steps. We will then contact the student directly to schedule an initial meeting. Participation in the case management process is voluntary and student-centered. We will work together with the student to identify their individual challenges, assess their needs, and develop a personalized action plan. The Student Support team will make appropriate and direct referrals to support the student’s safety and wellness.
Referral to case management

Make a referral
Please submit a referral form to give us more information about the student and their needs. We encourage you to let the student know that you have submitted this form so they can anticipate outreach from the Student Support team.

Consult with the team
Not sure if case management is the appropriate service or you need some support dealing with a complex student situation? Fill out this form, and someone from the team will contact you to discuss options.
You can contact us at [email protected] for all other questions.
Meet the team

Helping someone
Do you see any behaviour that may be out of character or unusual for someone? Early intervention plays a key role in supporting mental health challenges.
Learn how to help someone yourself!