Learn about the various rooms and large selection of equipment available to researchers.

Discover our space

The standard suite

The standard suites are equipped with four work stations each with both a stimulus computer and a computer to collect physiological measures, it’s no wonder that the standard suites are the go-to for many researchers!  

Four students working in their own space in the standard suite.

Control room 

As per its name, the control room is designed to give the experimenter complete control over the experiment in real-time. The control room is situated separately from the standard suites but is connected to the standard suites through advanced computer systems.    

For researchers, download our Control Room user guide (PDF, 5.09 MB) to prepare for using our state-of-the-art control room when testing participants in person.  

Man working on the screen in the control room.

The single suite

The single suite is ideal for projects that require testing a single participant at a time and increased privacy and closer monitoring from the experimenter. This room has a single participant station with a stimulus computer. Like the standard suites, the stimulus computer in this room also has pre-installed experiment software for programming and running experiments. This room is also equipped with a standard table workstation that is conducive to interviewing techniques or filling out questionnaires. The single suite is a dependable suite that accommodates basic research projects without any of the frills. 


Eye-tracking suite

INSPIRE’s eye-tracking suite consists of two eye tracking stations. The participant stations are equipped with a single stimulus computer and a headset, as well as the equipment necessary for collecting physiological measurements and each with their own eye-tracker. As in the stations in the standard suites, these stations are fully equipped with audio/video capabilities and visual monitoring. 

Two work station with eye tracking equipment.

Focus Group Suite

The Focus Group Suite was specifically designed for research programs that required focus groups. The suite room was constructed in a meeting-style seating arrangement, with a large center table with seating for 6, where each seat faces a retractable computer station.  One experimenter computer controls the Smartboard as well as the other computer stations in the room. Finally, the room has audio/video capabilities and can also connect to every cube in the INSPIRE Lab for monitoring.

For researchers, download our Focus Group Room user guide (PDF, 1.19 MB) to prepare for using our focus group room when testing participants in person.  


Research methodologies 

The INSPIRE lab offers a large selection of equipment to facilitate many different research methodologies. INSPIRE’s cutting-edge facilities allow for a wide range of sophisticated research projects.      

Using remote-control touchscreens, researchers can monitor and manage multiple top-of-the-line workstations that simultaneously capture behavioural, physiological, and cognitive data. These readily available measures include the following: Electromyography (EMG), Electrodermal Activity (EDA), Blood Pressure Variability (BP), Impedance Cardiography (ZCG), Electrocardiography (ECG), Pulse Plethysmography, Skin Temperature, Respiration, Eye tracking, and Audio-Visual Interactions.     

Researchers can also synchronize data collection with a large variety of experimental tasks and research questions such as participant perceptions, opinions, thought processes and emotions in response to various stimuli or scenarios, and more.    

Questions and answers