Group | Languages |
Haida Group | Northern Haida: British Columbia Southern Haida: British Columbia |
Athapascan Group | Sekani: British Columbia Babine: British Columbia Carrier: British Columbia Chicoltin: British Columbia Tahltan: British Columbia Beaver: British Columbia and Alberta Dogrib: Great Lakes Chipewyan: Western Canada and N.W.T. Slavey: British Columbia and N.W.T. Yellowknife: N.W.T. Sarsi: Alberta Kaska: Yukon and N.W.T. |
Tlingit Group | Tlingit: British Columbia |
Na-Dené Family
The Na-Dené family numbers close to fifty languages divided into three main groups: Haida, Athapascan, and Tlingit. Most of these languages are spoken in the United States, but some twenty are spoken on British Columbia's Pacific coast and in western Canada (Alberta and the Northwest Territories).
The Haida group includes only two languages—Northern and Southern Haida—which are both spoken in British Columbia.
The Athapascan group is made up of Apache languages (Apache, Kiowa, Navajo), Beaver, Sekani, Babine, Chipewyan, Dogrib, Northern Slavey, Southern Slavey, Ingalit, Kasha, Tagish, Tutchone, etc.
The Tlingit group has but one language—Tlingit.