1. How do I apply?
For more information please visit the Application Requirements section of our website for the application process, eligibility requirements, and deadlines.
2. When should I apply?
Funding from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care is allocated based upon the residency training period from July – June (ex. July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025). Your application should be submitted the year prior to when you would begin. For example, apply in August 2023 for a start date between July 1 2024 and June 30, 2025.
Off-cycle and IMG residents may not officially be a PGY2 resident at the time of the application deadline. Applications will be accepted based upon the criteria listed above. Please email [email protected] if you have any further questions.
3. Can I apply after the deadline?
No. We do not accept applications outside of the dates listed on the website.
4. I am applying to more than one PGY3 program. Am I required to submit an application to each program I am applying to?
Yes. This includes if you are applying to multiple streams (e.g., TOH Stream and Montfort Stream for the Maternity Skills and Hospitalist PGY3 programs).
5. Do my reference letter and questionnaire need to be submitted directly by my reference? How should they be submitted?
Yes, they must be submitted by your reference via email and/or regular mail, but must be received before the application closing deadline. Reference letters and questionnaires should be directed to the PGY3 Program Coordinator and will be forwarded to the appropriate Program Director for review along with your application.
6. Can the reference letter from the Program Director come from the program Site Director instead?
Important note: The reference letter from the Postgraduate Program Director is no longer a requirement.
7. What is the Reference Questionnaire and why is it required as part of my application?
The questionnaire has been adopted by some of the PGY3 programs to ensure that specific topics are addressed by your referee. Applicants are required to forward the appropriate questionnaire, either the “Program Director Questionnaire” or the” General Questionnaire”, to their references. The questionnaire should be submitted directly by the referee along with the letter of reference before the application deadline.
8. I am a current practicing family physician who will be applying for re-entry funding. Should I apply to my PGY3 program of interest during the regular application cycle?
For Return of Service re-entry funding, re-entry candidates must apply directly to the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care. Applications sent directly to the Department will not be accepted.
Please visit the MOHLTC webpage for further information.
9. What happens after I apply?
Visit the APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS for more specific information regarding timelines but,
you will receive a confirmation that your application has been received; and
after the deadline and once your application has been reviewed, you will receive an email stating whether or not an interview is offered.
10. How can I get information about interviews?
Currently, interviews are being held virtually. You will receive further information after the application deadline in the email confirming receipt of your application.
11. Who is on the interview panel?
Depending on the program there will be 2 – 4 panelists including the Program Director and current resident (when possible).
12. What are the processes for offers and acceptances?
All applicants will receive an email notifying them if they will receive an offer (see the timeline in the APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS section). Applicants who receive offers have to accept by the respective deadline. If the offer is accepted, you will receive an email confirmation and more information will follow from the Postgraduate Medical Education Office in mid to late April.
13. What if I decline an offer?
If you decline an offer, the next person on the waiting list will be offered the position in the program.
14. What if I am told I am on the wait list?
You will be contacted should a position become available. You may be contacted after the mid-December deadline should there be positions available.
15. I am interested in applying, but live outside of Ottawa. How do I find out information about living in Ottawa?
Canada’s capital has no shortage of history and charisma — from Parliament buildings to the UNESCO World Heritage Rideau Canal — but it has long been dogged by a reputation as a ‘boring’ government centre. Don’t make that mistake! With a thriving food scene, multicultural and multilingual roots and a developing nightlife, Ottawa’s exhibitions and galleries are emerging from the shadow of Montreal and Toronto.
Here are our recommendations for exploring our beautiful city!