The weekend of September 19-21, 2014 marked many special milestones for Common Law alumni who came back to their alma mater to celebrate their 2014 reunions.

Celebrating milestones for classes ending in a 4 or a 9, the reunion weekend brought together alumni from all over Ontario, Canada, the United States, and even Papua New Guinea, to revisit their law school, see the many changes and renovations that have taken place over the years, catch up with old friends and reminisce on fond memories from their law school days. Over the course of the weekend the Common Law Section hosted two annual events: the Dean’s Cocktail Reception Alumni Gala Dinner. The 2014 reunion also launched three new events: the “Last Lecture” series; a 5k run and; a farewell brunch.

On September 19, the Common Law Section kicked off the Homecoming weekend with the launch of the new “Last Lecture” annual series, which goes beyond the bounds of the syllabus for a unique and fun lecture in an informal setting. Professors Vern Krishna and Suzanne Bouclin delighted us with humorous and thought-provoking lectures on two very different topics: “Voyage Around the Law: Crossing Continents”, and « Tout ce que je sais d’important sur le droit, je l’ai appris par les films (... et YouTube) ». The annual Cocktail Reception followed in the Tsampalieros Atrium and was attended by over 100 alumni. 

On Saturday morning, we hosted a Run the Rideau event. Participants took to the canal for a 5k walk or run led by the Common Law Student Association. Saturday evening featured the weekend’s main event; the sold-out Homecoming Gala. Gathering in the Museum of Nature’s Barrick Salon, our participants were surprised with complimentary couples’ photos, printed on-site as a special memento. The remarkable careers of May Cheng (’91), Myles Kirvan (’79), Karen Restoule (’12), and Hugh Verrier (’81), were highlighted as each was inducted into the 2014 Common Law Honour Society and presented with commemorative plaques. “It’s our graduates who make the reputation of the law school,” said Dean Des Rosiers. “We are very proud of them and their special accomplishments and we are always so happy to see them excel.”

Finally, on Sunday, alumni, faculty and friends of the law school dropped by a brunch buffet at the Westin Hotel for one last goodbye until next time.

The Common Law Section would like to thank all of the alumni and future graduates who participated in the 2014 Homecoming activities. We are always thrilled to welcome our alumni and friends back to the Law School. If you are interested in visiting the Faculty, please do not hesitate to contact our Communications and Events Management Officer, Caitlin O’Malley. She would be pleased to show you the many changes taking place on campus. Also, please save the date for the 2015 Common Law Reunion Weekend (September 18-20, 2015); we have many exciting activities planned and we are looking forward to welcoming back hundreds of alumni and their families – details will be released early 2015!

Explore the images

Last Lecture

Lectures from Professor Suzanne Bouclin and Professor Vern Krishna during the Last Lecture
Lectures from Professor Suzanne Bouclin and Professor Vern Krishna during the Last Lecture
Professor Suzanne Bouclin during the Last Lecture
Professor Suzanne Bouclin during the Last Lecture
Professor Vern Krishna during the Last Lecture
Professor Vern Krishna during the Last Lecture

Cocktail Reception

Cocktail Reception
Cocktail Reception
Cocktail Reception

Reunion Gala

Welcoming remarks from Dean Nathalie Des Rosiers at the Reunion Gala
Welcoming remarks from Dean Nathalie Des Rosiers at the Reunion Gala
President Allan Rock at the Reunion Gala
Welcoming remarks from President Allan Rock at the Reunion Gala
Common Law Honour Society Recipient May Cheng
Common Law Honour Society Recipient May Cheng
Common Law Honour Society Recipient Myles Kirvan
Common Law Honour Society Recipient Myles Kirvan
Common Law Honour Society Recipient Karen Restoule
Common Law Honour Society Recipient Karen Restoule
Common Law Honour Society Recipient Hugh Verrier
Common Law Honour Society Recipient Hugh Verrier

Collection of photos from Run the Rideau

Group of people by the Rideau canal

Classes of 1969 to 1984

Classes of 1969 to 1984