Word from the Dean

We have begun the exciting process of updating our Strategic Plan, and I was pleased to host consultations with our incredible community of students, professors, staff, alumni and partners. I’d like to extend my gratitude to the students who participated in those consultation meetings. Your insights are vital in shaping the future of our Faculty.

We were happy to hear how proud you are of the Common Law Section’s reputation as a national leader in law. Many of you also highlighted the value of the experiential learning opportunities available to you, whether through moots, clinics, internships, or clerkships. Your feedback reaffirms our commitment to providing an environment where students can thrive both academically and professionally.

These conversations are essential to our long-term growth and success, and they are illuminating because of the broad perspectives and the diversity of opinions that you, our students, provide. A robust exchange of ideas, informed by varied experiences and viewpoints, is essential to advancing knowledge.   

There are many important conversations taking place at the law school today, and I would like to take the opportunity to reinforce the importance of respectful discourse. Building a culture of understanding and civility is foundational to the success of our community and ensures that every voice can be heard and valued.

Thank you for being active participants in the future of our Faculty.

Kristen Boon

Upcoming Events

Jan. 20 | Ottawa 2L Recruitment Q&A Session | 12:00 p.m.  – 1:00 p.m. | Virtual | Target: 2L  – Presented by the Career and Professional Development Centre
Jan. 21 | Questions-réponses Recrutement structuré d'Ottawa (Event in French) | 12:00 p.m.  – 1:00 p.m.  | Virtual | Target: 2L  – Presented by the Career and Professional Development Centre
Jan. 24 | Your Supreme Court of Canada Review: Recent and Upcoming Cases Before the SCC | 12:00 – 12:50 p.m. | Online via Zoom  | Event in French | Registration required | Complimentary for students
Jan. 29 | RDC Community Reading Circle : From Where I Stand by Jody Wilson-Raybould| 11:30 a.m. – 12:50 p.m. | FTX 413 | Event in English
Jan. 29 | Preparing for Interviews in Ottawa | 11:30 a.m.  – 1:00 p.m.  | FTX 147 | Target: 2L  – Presented by the Career and Professional Development Centre
Jan. 30 | Se préparer pour les entrevues à Ottawa (Session in French) | FTX 351 | Target: 2L  – Presented by the Career and Professional Development Centre
Jan. 31 | 3L Career Boost | 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. | FTX 230 | Target: 3L  – Presented by the Career and Professional Development Centre

Please visit the webpage for more Upcoming Events.

Important dates and deadlines

Jan. 6 – 23 January Term Dates
Jan. 20 | The Winter Access/Equity tutorial application form is now available. Students wishing to participate this winter who were enrolled in the fall must reapply using this form. NEW THIS TERM: Students may apply for the Access/Equity tutorials on the basis of having obtained a low mark in the fall term. 
Jan. 22 | Study Break
Jan. 23 | Exam Day & All papers, including Directed Research Projects, are due by 4:00 p.m.
Jan. 24 | January term break, Last day to receive a full refund on your U-Pass & Last day to pay tuition fees without late fees. 

Please visit the webpage for more Important dates and deadlines.




Professor Hugo Lafrenière (inset) against a background of Fauteux Hall, the law school building at uOttawa

Hugo B. Lafrenière joins the French Common Law Program as Assistant Professor

The Common Law Section is pleased to welcome Assistant Professor Hugo B. Lafrenière, who joined the Programme de common law en français (PCLF) on Janu…
Clawbies awards faculty members

Faculty honored at Clawbies

Several Common Law Section faculty members have been honoured in the 2024 Clawbies: the Canadian Law Blog Awards recognizing the best online Canadian …
Dodek Hill Times

Two books by Professor Adam Dodek listed on The Hill Times’ list of best books for 2024

Professor Adam Dodek published two books in 2024; both have been named to the The Hill Times’ list of the 100 Best Books of 2024.

Quick Links

Contact us

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section

Fauteux Hall
57 Louis Pasteur St
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5

Fax: 613-562-5124