The University of Ottawa has officially sanctioned Respondus as a remote monitoring tool for online examinations conducted through the Brightspace LMS. However, following a detailed consideration of the software, the Engineering Faculty Executive does not support the use of Respondus or other remote monitoring solutions in examinations. Professors are at liberty to employ Respondus if they so wish. However, professors have an obligation to provide a fair and effective alternative assessment approach for students who opt out of remote monitoring for any reason. Furthermore, professors who do intend to use remote monitoring must make this clear in their syllabus, and must mention in the syllabus that students have the right to opt out and that an alternative evaluation will be provided for such students.
Please note that this position statement was shared with the Faculty of Engineering professors. Courses offered by other faculties (e.g. MAT, CHM, PHY, HIS, and PHI) may be subject to other recommendations, which apply to the Engineering and Computer Science students taking them.
Since the position statement issued above, please note that the University has authorized the use of Zoom without recording for live remote proctoring of exams. This does not require student approval.