
Dictum - 2024•09•09

Word from the Dean

There are many reasons to choose this Faculty of law. We are an exceptional bilingual law school that offers a cutting-edge curriculum and diverse experiential learning programs.  Our program is designed to ensure you graduate with the knowledge, skills and values essential to practicing law.   Our faculty is composed of a wide range of experts, many of whom are renowned leaders in their respective fields. We are positioning our students for the future. 

As legal professionals, we are in the privileged position to be agents for positive change, to advance equity, access to justice and human rights.  I encourage you to aim for positive impact as you chart your future careers. 

Congratulations on joining this remarkable community.

Thank you for being a part of it.

Kristen Boon

Upcoming Events

Sept. 10 | Health Law Welcome Coffee & Snacks | 10:00 – 11:00 AM | BRS 308 | All welcome
Sept. 10 | Housing rights & a multi-pronged struggle against mass forced evictions in Nigeria | 3:00 – 5:00 PM | FTX 570 | Event in English | Registration required
Sept. 11 | Creating Equitable Access to Medicines: A Human Rights Case for Reparations | 11:30 AM– 1:00 PM | FTX 351 | Event in English
Sept. 11 | Preparing for Articling- Roundtable Discussion presented by the County of Carleton Association (CCLA) | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM | FTX 147 | Target : 2L & 3L
Sept. 11 | Information Session, The Ottawa Law Review (OLR) | 11:30 - 12:00 (English session), 12:15-12:45 (French session) | FTX 232
Sept. 12 | Seasonal Community Gathering: Orange Shirt Pin Workshop | 11:30 AM – 2:20 PM | FTX 413 | Drop-in
Sept. 12 | Orientation - The Supreme Welcome | 5:00-7:00 PM |  By invitation only
Sept. 13 | Crip time & workers with disabilities: Toward a new duty to accommodate |1:00 – 2:00 PM | Webinar in English | Zoom | Registration required to receive the link.
Sept. 18 | Greenberg Speaker Series | Movement Lawyering: Protest & the Law | 11:30 AM – 12:50 PM | FTX 351 | Event in English | Registration required
Sept. 19 | RDC Sage Advice Speaker Series: Environmental Racism and Bill C-226 with Senator McCallum | 11:30 AM – 12:50 PM | FTX 302 | Event in English | Registration required
Sept. 19 | Ottawa IP Recruitment: The Employer Perspective | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM | FTX 351 | Target : 1L & 2L

Please visit the webpage for more Upcoming Events.

Important dates and deadlines

Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 | Term Dates
Sept. 17 | Last day to enroll and to change course selection for the Fall term
Sept. 17 | Last day to submit a request to register for a  Directed Research Project for the Fall term
Sept. 27 | Last day to pay Fall term tuition fees without late fees.
Oct. 8 | Last day to submit a registration form for the Major Paper Requirement for a Fall term course
Oct. 14 | Thanksgiving
Nov 4-8 | Reading Week for the Common Law Section
Nov. 18-29 | Teaching and course evaluations
Dec. 4 | Courses end
Dec. 5 | Study break
Dec. 6-18 | Exam period

Please visit the webpage for more Important dates and deadlines.




Ian R. Kerr Fellow Gabriela Bolaños Vainstein

Incoming Ian R. Kerr fellow takes aim at data portability

The Faculty of Law is pleased to announce the appointment of Gabriela Bolaños Vainstein as the 2024-25 Ian R. Kerr Fellow.
Jeremy de Beer

Empowering innovation: Professor Jeremy de Beer elected to Royal Society of Canada

Professor Jeremy de Beer has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, distinguishing him as one of Canada’s most valued and impactful …
michael pal

Democracy in crisis: Professor Michael Pal explores new approaches for a changing world

Democracy is being put to the test in 2024. With elections across Asia, Europe and America, nearly half of the world’s population will have the chance…

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Contact us

Faculty of Law - Common Law Section

Fauteux Hall
57 Louis Pasteur St
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5

Fax: 613-562-5124